Sunday, March 5, 2017


Dedicated to the Lycee's 25th anniversary. Hereto I start publishing the students' essays about the Lycee.

I love Naukova Zmina
By Anna ZAKHARCHENKO, Group 44-E
English Teacher L.Usachova

Considering the issue of schooling I have come to the conclusion that school has originally been created to give knowledge to students and improve their discipline. Today, however, it is doing much more. Firstly, your school gives you adrenaline when you are late; it enhances your imagination when you have to make up a reason for your being late or explain what is wrong with your homework. The school builds up your sense of style making you wear smart clothes. At school you can develop a really unique skill of typing messages without looking at your phone simultaneously pretending that you are listening to your teacher really attentively. It helps you to escape from your personal problems providing you with unexpected tests and check-ups. Another advantage is the Lycee’s style of celebrating every event. No comment here – our celebrations are always outstanding.

Anna is on the left

Last, but not least my friends in the Lycee are as important as Chemistry, History or any other subject. Friends are the reason why we don’t give up and go to school every day, again and again. But Naukova Zmina is the reason why we have our friends. I personally am very grateful to the Lycee for giving me the opportunity to meet these special personalities and to share with them my homework, my test answers, my food and my mood.

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