Tuesday, March 7, 2017


By Anastasia SERBINENKO, Group 14-Ph
English Teacher O.Zabolotny

I love lyceum “Naukova Zmina”. You should ask me "Why?" and I will answer you "Because it is a really cool school.”
Our lessons are very interesting. Teachers are kind but strict. They always can find common ground with their pupils and I really like it. I receive a lot of information every day that could help me in the future.
There is a differentiation on the faculties. You can choose your way: mathematical, economical or philological. Therefore, it is very convenient.
In addition, we have productive afterschool life. We have a drama group and a dancing group.
Well, many things make this place cozy and comfortable. It is like little sofas in the corridors, little fountains near the dining-hall. Usually, it is warm in our classrooms. There are a lot of education equipment (computers, interactive smart-boards or TVs) in the lyceum.
I think, the cutest thing is our cats and kittens, which live in the lyceum’s courtyard. Our caretaker, pupils and teachers are looking after them.  It is a great fact.
Yes, I love this!

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