Monday, March 13, 2017


Why I love Lyceum
By Andrew Kolenchenko, Group 12-E
English Teacher L.Dubova

All of us are proud to study at Lyceum "Naukova Zmina". After entering the lyceum, we made a very important step towards an adult life. Four years ago I made a decision to go to the lyceum. I was successful and passed all exams very well. And now I am an eight-year student of the Faculty of Economy. By the way, there are two more departments. We could choose the Faculty according to our knowledge and interests. We have all the possibilities to get profound knowledge and good experience. 

  The Lyceum has got very good facilities, such as gymnasiums, sports ground, science laboratories, IT and English rooms.

  Our teachers are strict enough, but they are very helpful. Learning and discipline are important in the lyceum.

  There are some clubs after school. There we have a lot of talks, discussions, physical activities both indoor and outdoor, we travel a lot.

  I love my lyceum very much. Here I try to learn as much as I can. It will be useful in our future.

I love NZ! Why?
By Dasha Yefimova, Group 12-E
English Teacher L.Dubova

"Why do you like your lyceum?" This question is very easy to answer for me. I really enjoy studying and I think “Naukova Zmina" is just the right place for young people like me. The periods help us remember the information better and concentrate on the lesson, and teachers explain difficult subjects very clearly and in an interesting way. In my opinion, this is the key to good knowledge. Also I like the lyceum because of my class and friends. My classmates are very funny and talkative, so I never get bored with them. In the lyceum I met new friends with whom I prefer spending my free time and talking about a variety of topics. I like different events in the lyceum. Concerts, presentations and charity fairs, where all the students show their solidarity, are very cool and creative. I like the mirrors, red and comfortable sofas and the melodic piano on the second floor very much. 

 “Naukova Zmina” is a really amazing place, where I have been studying for four years and now I am sure about my future, thanks to the lyceum!

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