Monday, March 6, 2017


Ten reasons why I love my Lyceum
By Anastasia Plotnikova, Group 45-Ph
English Teacher K.V.Holubenka`

I have been studying at lyceum “Naukova Zmina” for 5 years. So I want to share why I’ve chosen exactly this school.
1) When you are writing about your second home it is not so easy to write without emotions. So let’s start from the beginning. I suppose that no one loves Mondays, but not the lyceum’s students. There is always bustling atmosphere around you. And of course you want to be a part of it.
2) The second reason is that lyceum really differs from usual schools. We are not only achieving a higher level of education, we also try ourselves as actors, singers and dancers. It helps you to explore your internal world and always aims for more.
3) It is a place, where you can find real friends. Not just new contacts, but an everyday support and your piece of happiness.
4)  I’ve changed many schools and can confidently say that so good, talented and qualified teachers you will not find anywhere else. There is such a “melting pot”.
5) This point will be about our canteen. I love American movies, where students always hang out there, so I associate ours with that cool one like in America.
6) However, it is so convenient that we have pairs, not lessons. In this way, you are getting use to the university’s rules.
7) Also, I love lyceum for the feeling that nothing bad can happen. Like in the film “Breakfast at Tiffani’s”, when I’m in this building I can’t be kidnapped or something else. I feel safety.
8) Of course, I like people around me. Some of them are my best friends (even teachers), some of them teach me to be more tolerant, some are my role models. But now, when I am in the final year, I hope that I could be somebody to look up to.
9) Then, I love it for the high days, for concerts and discos. I’m glad to know that our educators are trying to make our mood.
10) And the last one, but not in importance, I love everything, every detail, every person I’ve met there. I just know that will be missing much. Ridiculous moments, debates, lateness, football matches - all that what was fellfield with  sincere emotions, loud laughing, shameless stories, presentations and excitement. How much we went through exactly within this lyceum. Therefore, if I didn’t study in this lyceum, I would have skipped best part in my life.

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