Wednesday, March 15, 2017


      I love Naukova Zmina!
By Vladislava Dorokhina, Group12-E
Teacher Ludmila Dubova

Why do I like my lyceum? At the same time this question is easy and difficult to answer. Everyone can answer trivially:" I like lyceum because of the quality of education" or "Because of friends and classy teachers". All this is certainly true. Lyceum is truly our second home where we can get valuable experience and knowledge not only concerning studying, but also life. Personally I have met my first best friend here with whom I am in contact to this day. Our friends are our support. So that I appreciate the Lyceum for the fact that here I have met such wonderful people. Of course the lyceum primarily is an educational institution. And
I can confidently say that here everything is on the top. Yes, certainly everything has its pros and cons but there are much more positive things. Teachers here are real professionals with big experience behind. The quality of presentation of the material, that is given to everyone easily and accessible, helps any student like their lessons. But what about extra-curricular lectures? They are not a waste of time; it is meeting new people, getting new information that will help you with your difficulties or extreme situations in life. Theatre, dancing, MUN are great opportunities for everyone who wants self-development. Of course, there are not all reasons: "Why I like lyceum", but I am very glad that I am studying here.

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