Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Why I love my lyceum?
By Nastia Nesterova, Group14-PH
English teacher L. Dubova

There are many schools, lyceums and gymnasias. Our lyceum “Naukova zmina” ranks the fifth place in Kiev. It is a very well-known school that wins a lot of school Olympics and science competitions. But I love my lyceum not for that, I love it for other reasons.
The first reason is teachers. You can stay after lessons to do some tasks to understand the theme. Also you can do some extra lessons. Teachers help you with pleasure because they are happy when their pupils know everything.
The second reason is the competitions. There are many science and culture competitions in our lyceum. Also students prepare all culture and entertainment holidays.
And the last reason is the atmosphere in lyceum. There are many benches, where you can rest, and big mirrors. Also I want to add that desks and chairs are new and many classrooms have interactive blackboards and computers.
So, I think, that lyceum “Naukova Zmina” is one of the best places to get your secondary education.

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