Tuesday, September 26, 2017


The profession of a teacher is very difficult and responsible one. Of course, not everyone can become a top teacher. This calls for a lot of work and self-education, so that the lessons were both interesting and useful.
Of all my teachers I like NATALIA VIKTORIVNA, the teacher of Ukrainian Literature, best. At her lessons we study the works of different Ukrainian writers, learn poems and songs. Every time Natalia Viktorivna does her best to encourage us to dig deep into the subject because Literature is part of our culture and we should understand it.
We often work with an interactive whiteboard and do different creative projects. Sometimes we do challenging tests but they are not difficult if you know the material. Natalia Viktorivna is very kind but at the same time strict enough to maintain discipline in class. Looking at her you immediately understand that she is enjoying teaching.
By Maria VARGACHOVA (Group 24-Ph)

My favorite teacher is NATALIA VIKTORIVNA who teaches us Ukrainian Literature. She has taught me for four years and every year for me she was the best. She is well-educated. Her lessons are always very interesting. She always has plenty of fantastic ideas. For every lesson she prepares a smartboard quiz.
Also, Natalia Viktorivna used to be my class teacher for four years and I know that she is a very good person. When I was in trouble I could always talk to her and she would give me some good advice and support.
I really like the fact that she is always doing something not only as a school teacher. For example, recently she has been busy studying English. It’s amazing!
In my opinion, it is very important that a school teacher is also the person who talks to you, cares about you and gives you good advice.
By Anastasia PLATKOVA (Group 24-Ph)

I am a new student in Naukova Zmina but I already have my favorite teacher. It’s IRYNA MYKOLAIVNA GEDENACH. She teaches Ukrainian and she is also my class teacher. She is quite strict but at the same time she is kind. Iryna Mykolaivna is a really good teacher because she does everything on time. I’m really lucky to be in her class.
By Vlada ULIUTINA (7-D Form)


My favorite teacher is MARYNA SERGIIVNA. She teaches us Geography. I love her because she presents the material very well. Maryna Sergiivna is beautiful and cheerful. I am interested in learning from her. Last week she taught us about the oceans and continents. I learned a lot of new things. The lesson was over but I wanted to continue studying Geography. Thank you, Maryna Sergiivna!
By Julia KUTSENKO (7-D Form)

Geography is my favorite subject. Maryna Sergiivna’s lessons are very interesting. She tells us many interesting facts. For example at the last lesson we learned that the length of the Equator is 40,000 kilometers! It was new for me. She usually brings different posters and charts to show us. We also watch interesting documentaries about Earth. I thank my teacher for making the subject so interesting for me.
By Timofiy SHEVCHENKO (7-D Form)

I like Maryna Sergiivna because her lessons are never boring. She always explains the topics very well. It is easy to understand and remember everything. She tries to give us as much useful information as she can. She is an experienced teacher. Maryna Sergiivna is a good and kind person too. She is always ready to help us.
By Kate BUTOVYCH (7-D Form)

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