Friday, March 10, 2017


By Nikita Kovalenko, Group 11-M
English Teacher L.Dubova

My lyceum is well known far beyond the Darnytsa district. It is considered one of the best not only in Kiev but also in whole Ukraine.

Highly professional teachers work at my lyceum. The classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. Students love to learn, and because of this they get high level of education. Their skills let them enter any university not only in Ukraine but all over the world quite easily. Our students win in competitions of different levels on variety of subjects.
However, high achievements could be reached only by working hard. To join the lyceum applicants have to pass an entrance test. There is a strong competition among the students, but that does not prevent their mutual assistance and help from friends.
The lyceum lives an active social life; there are contests, competitions, lots of excursions and activities. So, it allows the lyceum students to vary their training routine.
I like the non-standard start and end of lessons. Instead of usual school bell they play Mozart's fortieth symphony!

I believe the main advantage of my Lyceum is its organization of learning. Like in universities we have double classes! Other schools in Ukraine do not have them. Firstly, thus we are trained for a university. Secondly, we have less homework and less portfolio weight as there are 2 times less subjects per day.
I love my «Naukova zmina» lyceum a lot!

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