Thursday, March 9, 2017


Why do I like my lyceum?
By Tonya Kosinska, Group 14-PH
English Teacher L.Dubova

I really like to study at the lyceum. And I am proud that I study here. I study at the philological group. Learning is not easy, but interesting.  We participate in various projects which contribute to both the improving of knowledge and various skills. We already know how to make and introduce a presentation, make a video and much more, which is useful for future education and work.
Good teachers, friendly and warm atmosphere help us feel in a big family.
As well as good relationships with classmates. Here I met friends. I have something to strive for, because I have plans to go to the university and my lyceum will help me with this.
It’s the best school, and I’m grateful all the teachers and administration for the great work they are doing for us.

Why I love the lyceum
By Kate Kovalchuk, Group 14-PH
English Teacher L.Dubova

I have been studying in the lyceum "Naukova zmina" for four years.
This institution was founded in 1992. Since then, it has become one of the best schools in Ukraine and I am very proud to be one of those lucky students who get education in this very place.

I love my lyceum because it is a place where we are taught by the most experienced and helpful teachers and I think it is very important for us.
When we grow up and enter universities, I am sure we will be always thankful for their efforts to give us the necessary knowledge and skills.
 What is more, every day I go to school, I know that I will meet my classmates who have become a family for me. It is great that we have such a friendly atmosphere in our lyceum and everyone has his own duties and opportunities to develop themselves.
 As for me, there is no other school like my favourite lyceum which gives me inspiration to become a well-educated, intelligent Ukrainian and I really value every day of my study here.

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