Sunday, March 3, 2013

Personality: Ernesto "Che" Guevara

One of the most controversial and tragic figures of the modern history, Ernesto Che Guevara has become an iconic figure for freedom fighters, a symbol of social protest and just a fashionable brand. Being a charismatic leader and a brave soldier, he became one the faces of the Cuban revolution. An Argentinian by birth he devoted his life to national liberation movements in other countries, leaving countless dead bodies on his way. A freedom fighter, he found out that revolution leads to tyranny. A doctor by profession, having been a Minister of Health in the socialist Cuba, he set up a superb system of free healthcare in Cuba, which is still there and working. He ended his life being betrayed by Bolivian peasants whose freedom he was fighting for. He had always been trying to understand the world around him, and he learned the hard way. He payed his life for understanding it. Maria TROKOZ of Group 45-Ph presents her brief report on "Che" Guevara, which you can read by clicking HERE .

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