Sunday, March 31, 2013


The next survey results publication has been prepared by Anastasia SHUMAN and Maria TROKOZ, who studied the issue of youth subcultures represented in the Lyceum.  The report will be published in the Hyde Park in due time, and now you can read it clicking HERE .
The majority of the polled attribute themselves to 'hipsters' or 'grunge'. My own little investigation into the case prompted that 'hipsters' ARE a subculture, but 'grunge' seems to be just a style of garments. Popular in the 1990s it is back again. If I am right, we are dealing with an overwhelming majority of about 80 per cent of our students opposing everything 'mainstream'. No wonder. We teach them to think independently.

And a little bit of irony, of course...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Survey: Smoking Among Teenagers

The students of Group 45-Ph have conducted a number of surveys on different issues. I am proud to present the first report submitted by Eugenia TSAPENKO, whose task was to investigate the problem of smoking among teens. As a result we can portray a non-smoking teenager commenting on his/her personality. All the surveys will be published in the Hyde Park in due time and now you can read the author's report by clicking HERE .

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I have created a new blog devoted exclusively to the ARGO Camp Programme. From now on all the information about the camp will be published HERE .
See you in the camp!

P.S. Also pay attention to the link in the upper right corner of the page? above the smiley.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy April Fools' Day! Again.

Traditionally, the first day of April is marked in the lycee by publishing a collection of jokes compiled by the students. I am proud to state that this is the fourth publication in the Hyde Park, which makes it a nice tradition. This year this project has been done by the students of Groups 14-Ph and 35-Ph. If you are too busy (or too lazy) to come and read the collected jokes displayed on the bulletin board, you can do that by clicking HERE .

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Personality: Joan of Arc

There is a new contribution to the Gallery of Personalities Who Changed the World made by Eugenia TSAPENKO of group 45-Ph. She has chosen Joan of Arc who showed what faith and dedication can do even if you are a young girl. For centuries Joan of Arc has been a symbolic figure of the Western Civilization. You can read the report by clicking HERE .

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

There is one day when everybody wants to be Irish: it's today. I'm wearing green and pretend to be Irish, feeling some closeness to their culture and general attitudes.Why am I not Irish? Probably, because I am Ukrainian. But why don't we have a similar holiday? We ought to. However, in the meantime...


Saturday, March 9, 2013

I continue to publish students' reports on outstanding personalities who changed the world. Anastasiya TYKHONOVYCH of Group 45-Ph chose Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Of course, he can hardly be called a "global changer", but if we can speak about the Ukrainian State at all, it is due to him. There had not been such thing as Ukrainian State between Kyiv Rus and his Ukrainian Hetman State. You can read the report by clicking HERE .

Friday, March 8, 2013

International Women's Day

Happy 8th of March, dear ladies! It's a shame I am sick at home...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Personality: Steve Jobs

There is no need in introducing Steve Jobs to the public. Many, if not the majority, of us enjoy using gadgets created by this genius. Truly, he changed the world by showing us new ways of acquiring information we need. Only the future will unveil the scope of the impact this personality produced. Artem SHINKARUK of Group 45-Ph allows us to cast a glance on Steve Jobs's career by clicking HERE .

Monday, March 4, 2013

Personality: Mahatma Gandhi

Pure soul, he taught the world through the wisdom of his existence. I am pleased to present you a brief report on his life and achievements prepared by Andriy DMYTRUK of Group 45-Ph, which you can read HERE .

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Personality: Ernesto "Che" Guevara

One of the most controversial and tragic figures of the modern history, Ernesto Che Guevara has become an iconic figure for freedom fighters, a symbol of social protest and just a fashionable brand. Being a charismatic leader and a brave soldier, he became one the faces of the Cuban revolution. An Argentinian by birth he devoted his life to national liberation movements in other countries, leaving countless dead bodies on his way. A freedom fighter, he found out that revolution leads to tyranny. A doctor by profession, having been a Minister of Health in the socialist Cuba, he set up a superb system of free healthcare in Cuba, which is still there and working. He ended his life being betrayed by Bolivian peasants whose freedom he was fighting for. He had always been trying to understand the world around him, and he learned the hard way. He payed his life for understanding it. Maria TROKOZ of Group 45-Ph presents her brief report on "Che" Guevara, which you can read by clicking HERE .

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Personality: Margaret Thatcher, "The Iron Lady"

The title says it all. Unsurpassed willpower, dedication, courage and decisiveness based on the firm belief that she knew what was right and what was wrong brought Margaret Thatcher to the Olympus of fame. Adore her or hate her, but her name has made an epoch in the UK's history. Vera GRISCHENKO of Group 45-Ph has prepared the report which you can read HERE .