Sunday, April 22, 2012

Summer-2011 Sweet Memories

ARGO indoors (in the hall)

Crossing the abyss: we are ve-e-ery careful!

Knights' Tournament: I am a HORSE!
FOX HUNT: Sometimes you can find strange things in the bush if you are vigilant enough.

FOX HUNT: ARGO is proud of our cunning foxes.

Dramatizing Roahld Dahl's Little Red Riding Hood
Every day ARGO challenges your intellectual capabilities.
They have just found the HOLY GRAIL!

Filming: Robin Hood escapes on horseback. I AM the HORSEBACK.

The same ARGO guys outdoors  

ARGO Plans for Summer-2012

Impuls-Plus Travel Agency, my employer for the last two years, have decided to quit their kids’ holiday camp projects, leaving me alone with a number of interesting contacts, my ARGO brand, my program and the flag which I designed and have made. So, here we are – this summer ARGO is going to operate as an integral part of Camp Leader – a famous establishment in Puscha-Vodytsya. (I LOVE PUSCHA!) The calculations show that the new format COSTS LESS. Last year a day in ARGO (at the same facility) was worth UAH 330. This year all the prices have GONE UP, but ARGO is offering its services at a price of UAH 260 / 310 per day, depending on the quality of accommodation.

(I have a feeling that some non-English-speaking parents are going to read this post, so I had better make it bilingual.)

Турфірма «Імпульс-плюс», мої працедавці протягом останніх двох років, вирішили відмовитись від дитячих табірних програм, залишивши мене одного, з кількома цікавими контактами, моїм брендом АРГО, моєю програмою та прапором, що я розробив, і який для мене був виготовлений. Ну ось, маємо – цього літа АРГО працюватиме як складова частина табору «Лідер», славнозвісного закладу в Пущі-Водиці. (ЛЮБЛЮ ПУЩУ!) Підрахунки показують, що новий формат ВАРТУЄ МЕНШЕ. Минулого року один день в АРГО (в тому ж таки таборі) коштував 330 грн. Цього року всі ціни ЗРОСЛИ, але АРГО пропонує свої програми за ціною від 260 до 310 грн. на день, залежно від умов проживання.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April Fool's Day!

Every year our third-course students contribute some excellent jokes, which are published in the "HYDE PARK" quarterly bulletin and also HERE . However, not all the materials are published due to various reasons. Nevertheless, here are some of them, contributed by Olga LYASHKO of Group 32-E. The topic is marriage.

A man comes to an undertaker and sobs: "Please, bury my wife."
"But I buried your wife ten years ago," replies the undertaker.
"I got married again," sobs the man.
"Oh, I didn't know that. Congratulations."

Another man confesses: "I married Miss Right. I just didn't know that her first name was ALWAYS."

And some cat stuff from me.