Friday, November 13, 2009

Quarantine Assignment for Groups 12-E and 14-E

Not to let you forget about the existence of such a subject as "English" I decided to remind you that some serious control papers on Spotlight on Britain are waiting for you to come and write them. So, I advise you to be ready to answer the following questions:

Task 1. Put the invaders into correct chronological order:
1. The Vikings
2. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes
3. The Celts
4. The Normans
5. The Romans

Task 2. Give the short answers to the following questions:
6. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain?
7. From which group of invaders did England get its name?
8. What is the longest river in Great Britain?
9. Can we call a person from Glasgow “an Englishman”?
10. Which part of the UK has a red dragon on its flag?
11. How many crosses are there on the flag of the United Kingdom?
12. Which part of the UK has St. David as its holy patron?
13. When did the Normans invade Britain?
14. Which part of the UK is NOT situated in Great Britain?
15. Which part of the UK is sometimes called Ulster?
16. What sort of monarchy is the UK?
17. How many chambers are there in the Parliament?
18. How many MPs are there?
19. Who becomes Prime Minister after the elections?
20. What is the ‘Shadow Cabinet’?
21. What are the main political parties in the UK?
22. What happens to a bill after it has been passed by the House of Commons?
23. Who is the head of the Church of England?
24. Where do we find a kirk?
25. At what age can you drive a car in Great Britain?
26. At what age can you get married without asking your parents in Great Britain?
27. When do they usually take family holidays in Britain?
28. Where does the Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree come from?
29. When do they celebrate St. Valentine’s Day?
30. What comes after Pancake Tuesday?
31. What may happen if you don’t ‘treat’ masked children nicely on October 31?
32. When do they launch a lot of fireworks in Britain?
33. When do the British open their Christmas presents?

After making sure you are able to answer those questions, you have to study the material about London (Pages 16 - 30 of Spotlight on Britain). May this map and the pictures help you to feel in London.

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