Friday, December 28, 2007

Washington D.C. Pictures

U.S. Capitol Building

White House

I am practicing in posting images that will illustrate some of the country studies lessons.

Cherry blossom in spring

"The Pencil" - George Washington Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

Vietnam War Memorial at Arlington National Cemetry

DOD (Department of Defense) building known as "The Pentagon"

The Hall of Dinosaurs in the Natural History Museum

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mr. Bean appears on the scene!

To get access to a report by Iryna Petrashchuk of Group 34-E and commentaries about this great comedian CLICK HERE .

Jolly Christmas jokes!

Enjoy a collection of X-mas related jokes and cartoons HERE

The collection has been prepared by Olga Kocherga of Group 34-E and me.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Better late than never... But the ideas are great, aren't they? So, I wish you all the same!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dog Tongue

A Mouse being afraid of a Cat sits in its hole and hears a dog barking. "If there's a dog, there is no cat," the Mouse thinks and gets out of the hole. The cat is there all right. The clever bastard grabs the Mouse and eats it thinking how useful it is to speak a foreign language.


Retold by Olga Kocherga, Group 34-E

US history - more materials about Valley Forge

The surrender of Lord Cornwallis became possible because of what had happened at Valley Forge. Want to know more?

Valley Forge is considered to be the turning point of the American War for Independence.Iryna Titova and Nastya Tymoshenko of Group 44-H has submitted a story, which is the result of their research work. You can find it HERE .

More information about the USA

Project work by Group 44-H has more results. Oleksiy Tormyshov adds his report on the FBI. You can find it HERE . For those who are interested, Oleksiy has mu-u-uch more information.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Benjamin Franklin

Attention 2nd and 3rd course students! Your school-mates from the 4th course has prepared some materials for you, concerning the history of the USA. Benjamin Franklin's biography has been prepared by Oksana Pakholyuk (Group 44-H). Thank you, Oksana. It can be found HERE: FRANKLIN

Materials about Scotland

Attention 1st course students! The conversational topic about Scotland can be found at:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Here you can find some materials about Wales as part of the UK.

Here you can find the topic material about Wales as a part of the UK. Recommended for the first course.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hello dear users, students, parents, teachers and random visitors!
I have a rare privilege to welcome you at my blog, which has been created to accumulate information and resources that can help you to excel in your English, and to provide us for some virtual space to communicate independently of the school time-table. I hope to receive your projects, materials and comments, and I am eager to share mine.
Some free advice for the learner:
1. Playing computer games choose their original English versions.
2. Watching Hollywood movies choose originals with English subtitles.
3. Get an interesting English book for your pleasure reading.
4. Use every opportunity to speak English (including your classroom).
5. Enter new words and phrases into your vocabulary notebook.
6. Do not trust non-academic dictionaries, songs' lyrics, TV translators etc.
(Trust me.)
Faithfully yours,
Oleksiy Zabolotnyi