Tuesday, April 7, 2015


The time has come to share the traditional project done by the students of Group 34-Ph and published in the Hyde Park.
Our country is at war. Historical turmoil like that always ignited a firestorm of jokes, as humor helps people to cope with the challenges they face. So, this year 2015, the collection is devoted to military humor.To reach the contents click  

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

About two thousand years ago, in the town of Nazareth there lived a young woman called Mary. She was engaged to marry Joseph, a carpenter. One day an angel named Gabriel appeared before her. He told her that she had been chosen by God to have a very special baby. “You will bring a son to this world. His name will be Jesus. He will be God’s son and a Savior to people,” said Gabriel, telling Mary God’s will. Soon after Gabriel’s visit Joseph and Mary were married.
Those days the Romans ruled Judea and Galilee – the Israeli lands, which were just their Imperial provinces. The Romans taxed the population – they collected money from the people. That is why they registered the people of Israel. Such registration was called a census.
Mary was about to have her baby when Caesar Augustus, the Roman ruler announced a census. Every man had to take his family to the place of his birth to be registered. As Joseph was born in the city of Bethlehem, both he and Mary had to go there. For several days Mary had to ride a donkey over the hills of Galilee.
At last they arrived in Bethlehem. There were a lot of people who also came to register in the census. The city was crowded. Mary was very tired and they had to find a place to stay. But all the guest-houses and hotels were full. There were no room for Mary and Joseph to stay. Finally, a kind man invited them to stay in his stable where he kept his animals. At least they did not have to spend a night outdoors. They agreed and thanked him. 
It happened that a few hours later, Mary gave birth to her son in that stable. She wrapped Jesus in some cloth and laid Him in a manger full of hay.
At the same time, in the hills and fields near Bethlehem, some shepherds were looking after their sheep. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky. They were very afraid and wanted to run away but they could not. Then they saw that the light was coming from angels sent by God. Those God’s messengers told the shepherds not to be afraid, because they had some good news for them. The news was that the Son of God had been just born and the shepherds would find Him in Bethlehem. 
They wanted to see the Savior and went to the stable. When they saw Jesus lying in the manger they were filled with joy, knelt down and worshiped Him.
They told Mary and Joseph about the angels, and that Jesus was to be the Savior of the world.
Far away in the East, Wise Men (also known as Magi) saw a new star shining brightly high in the sky. The Magi studied the stars and they knew that this was a very special star. They read their scrolls and books, and learned that it meant that a great ruler had been born.
The Magi decided to find this new ruler to worship Him. They went to Jerusalem to see King Herod, who ruled the Jews under the Roman Caesar. They thought that such a special baby would be in the King’s palace. The Magi asked to see the child that would be King of the Jews. King Herod was greatly troubled. He was afraid of the newly born Jesus because he thought the new king might
take away his throne. King Herod told the Magi to go and find the baby and then to return to the palace. He said that he needed to know where the baby was because he wanted to go and worship the child himself. Of course, not worshiping was his aim. Herod wanted to kill Baby Jesus, his potential rival.The Magi left Jerusalem to find the baby. The star shining in the sky showed them the way to Bethlehem, and then to the stable. When they saw Baby Jesus in the manger, they knelt down and worshipped Him.

They gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense (fragrant resin) and myrrh (fragrant oil). That night they had the same dream. An angel came to each of them, and warned them about King Herod’s evil plan to kill Baby Jesus. The Magi were very wise and understood Herod’s intentions very well. They decided not to return to Jerusalem or tell Herod where exactly Baby Jesus was. So they went back to their land at once.
Soon after that Joseph had a dream in which an angel told him to take Mary and Baby Jesus to Egypt as King Herod had ordered to kill Jesus. They left for Egypt immediately.
 When the Magi did not return to Jerusalem, King Herod understood that his evil plan had not worked and ordered to kill all the baby boys in Bethlehem. His soldiers went there and did as he ordered. But they did not find Baby Jesus, as He was safe far away from King Herod at that time.
Based on Gospels according to Matthew 1 – 2 & Luke 1 – 2
                            Compiled by O.Zabolotny, 2014