Saturday, August 23, 2014


The time has come for you to get acquainted with life and literary activities of the first commercially successful English author of adventure books. Upon reading Stevenson's Treasure Island he bet one shilling he could write a book not less (or even more) successful. The name is Rider Haggard, the book is King Solomon's Mines. The material is presented to you by Kate BILYK (Group 34-H) HERE . Thank you, Kate!

Friday, August 22, 2014


Today I would like to share with you some results of the research done by Anna GAVRILUK from Group 34-H.  Her choice was Michael Morpurgo - the author whose works are not studied at school because... theoretically you can invite Sir Michael to participate in your lesson. He is a modern English writer who is sometimes said to write books for children about animals. But I don't think so. Take a look HERE and make up your own mind.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


With great pleasure I would like to present to your kind attention some of the best materials prepared by the students of Group 34-H as their concluding effort in studying English Literature. The first is the one done by Larisa VYSOKOVSKA. She presents the life story of George Orwell, one of the finest and most bitter English writers, whose understanding of the 20th century helps to see things through in the 21st. You can read her presentation HERE .