Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Get acquainted with "Argo" Camp Program, its activities, its surroundings, its facilities and some faces.

Sometimes Chief Supervisor has all our attention. Especially when he is a DJ.

Sometimes Chief Supervisor is hard to be detected. Especially when he plays Foxhunt.

We prefer practical training with REAL things.

The program starts and finishes with a campfire.

Campfires are always popular.

Nature is really fantastic out there.

There is a nice lake.

If the weather isn't warm enough, there is a fine swimming pool.

Campers enjoy playing waterball there. But you ought to wear a rubber cap.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER! "ARGO" Camp Programme is back!

I have a rare priviledge to invite my students to my holiday camp. English camp programs has been my job since 1998. My last full-scale "Argo" Camp Program was held in 2005. After a 5-year break it is back and shining, bigger than ever. Together with IMPULS-PLUS travel agency we plan to have 6 programs this summer. The dates are:
June 7 - June 18; June 20 - July 1; July 3 - July 14; July 16 - July 27; July 29 - August 9; August 11 - August 22. During these programs some of the finest Kyiv teachers will help you to do projects on PIRATES (!), NATIVE AMERICANS (!) and DINOSAURS (!!). Plenty of video is guaranteed. Swimming pool and/or lake - every day. Discos are inevitable. Comfortable accomodation in rooms for 2 or 3 (take a friend with you!). Place: Puscha-Vodytsya, MoD Sanatorium. Price: UAH 3 200 (quite competitive, isn't it?). Contact me personally, you-know-where.

WARNING: Campers tend to get addicted to the program. They would just keep coming.

International Express-2010

On April 16, 2010, the lycee witnessed an impressive turmoil. 12 teams competed at 7 stations of the INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS. As the initiator of the game I was quite proud with its becoming a tradition, and happy that it still brings some excitement. The results were the following:
1st Place: Class 7-B, Groups 15-H & 22-E
2nd Place: Class 7-A, Groups 11-M, 24-H & 21-M
3rd Place: Class 7-C, Groups 12-E, 13-E, 14-E & 23-E.
Special thanks to the individual members of the teams, who were the most active when competing at the International Express-2010 Linguistic Contest and contributed significantly to their teams’ scores:
Olga Melnikova (7-A)
Danylo Novikov (7-B)
Tetyana Shmanai (7-B)
Violetta Grygoryan (7-B)
Tetyana Ponomarenko (7-B)
Daria Kozubska (7-C)
Andriy Ivanyuk (7-C)
Anastasia Chigareva (11-M)
Artem Ogarkov (11-M)
Tetyana Grygoryeva (12-E)
Oleg Kosyak (13-E)
Mykyta Salikhov (14-E)
Yuri Tolochko (21-M)
Viktoria Balioz (22-E)
Olena Kachurina (23-E)
Dmytro Stadnyk (23-E)
Yelizabeta Koval (24-H)
Vadym Gromadskyi (24-H)
Good job,ladies and gentlemen! Well done!