Monday, October 20, 2008

The USA in Brief, Part 1.

ATTENTION 2nd COURSE STUDENTS (AND TEACHERS)! Here you can obtain the first part of material about the USA covering the following topics: "General information", "Geography, climate and wildlife", "US symbols" and "Population". It is based on Wikipedia articles but is easier to consume. In November I plan to finish the job publishing the rest of the required topics. To get your copy of "The USA in Brief" click HERE .

ALARM! "Scribd" are rebuilding their domain, so some problems may occur. If you haven't got direct access to the document do the following:
Step 1: click HERE - you will be directed to Scribd.
Step 2: type zabolotnyi61 in the "Search" window and click "Search".
Step 3: No documents but "People(1)" will be found. Click it.
Step 4: Click the blue "zabolotnyi61" and you will see all my documents. Choose by clicking - help yourself to some country studies.


Anonymous said...

It's very difficult to put such an amount of information in a nutshell like that. Excellent job. Hugo.

Anonymous said...

I liked the pictures! Roxxie