Wednesday, December 7, 2011

English Literature: next part

Another work I have been busy with recently. I have been arranging the continuation of the Enlish Literature course. This portion includes Shakespeare's dramas, Daniel Defoe with his Robinson Crusoe, and Jonathan Swift (aleady published, but now the material is integrated into a bigger project). Read, learn, enjoy. Just click HERE .

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Teachers' Day-2011 Publication

I hope all my co-workers had a Happy Teachers' Day. I am sorry for not publishing for a long time, but I was busy doing really weird and exhaustingly fruitless paperwork. I spent 3,900 minutes (65 hours!) of my precious non-teaching time to prepare the THIRD version of my calendar lesson plans. I had developed a most disgusting allergy to the keyboard, which I seem to have overcome only by now. My attitude to the authorities ranking higher than the school inventing new, improved and updated papers will not be revealed here as some students happen to read my publications, and they don't seem to be ready for the real depth and richness of my vocabulary which is due to be used to describe my vision of the situation.

However, life and teaching are on their way (I hope accompanied by some learning). It means that the tradition of writing My Favorite Teacher compositions by the students of the 3rd course (10th-graders) and publishing them in the HYDE PARK has not been forgotten. You may read them HERE .