On April 16, 2010, the lycee witnessed an impressive turmoil. 12 teams competed at 7 stations of the INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS. As the initiator of the game I was quite proud with its becoming a tradition, and happy that it still brings some excitement. The results were the following:
1st Place: Class 7-B, Groups 15-H & 22-E
2nd Place: Class 7-A, Groups 11-M, 24-H & 21-M
3rd Place: Class 7-C, Groups 12-E, 13-E, 14-E & 23-E.
Special thanks to the individual members of the teams, who were the most active when competing at the International Express-2010 Linguistic Contest and contributed significantly to their teams’ scores:
Olga Melnikova (7-A)
Danylo Novikov (7-B)
Tetyana Shmanai (7-B)
Violetta Grygoryan (7-B)
Tetyana Ponomarenko (7-B)
Daria Kozubska (7-C)
Andriy Ivanyuk (7-C)
Anastasia Chigareva (11-M)
Artem Ogarkov (11-M)
Tetyana Grygoryeva (12-E)
Oleg Kosyak (13-E)
Mykyta Salikhov (14-E)
Yuri Tolochko (21-M)
Viktoria Balioz (22-E)
Olena Kachurina (23-E)
Dmytro Stadnyk (23-E)
Yelizabeta Koval (24-H)
Vadym Gromadskyi (24-H)
Good job,ladies and gentlemen! Well done!