Monday, October 11, 2010

ARGO Autumn-2010

In two weeks I will be among the oaks and pine-trees of Puscha-Vodytsya, so familiar to me. We are virtually family. This time ARGO enters the world of magic, wizardry and fairy tales. The current issue of the Hyde Park contains the following ad (sorry, it's mostly in Ukrainian):

Welcome to Wizards’ Country!
ARGO Camp Programme
Осіння зміна: з 23 по 31 жовтня 2010 року
Ставайте казкарями та чарівниками!

Англійський проект передбачає перегляд цікавих і популярних кінострічок та фільмовану інсценізацію казок, в тому числі власноруч написаних.
Місце розташування та інфраструктура: на базі санаторію Міністерства Оборони України «Пуща-Водиця», вул. Юнкерова, 60 (11-а лінія)

• екологічно чистий змішаний ліс з озером
• п’ятиповерховий корпус, що обігрівається
• 25-метровий закритий басейн з підігрівом
• спортивні майданчики та спортзал з тренажерами

Проживання: теплі 2-місні номери. В кожному номері є ліжка, тумбочки, гардероб, санвузол з душовою кабіною, балкон, металопластикові вікна.
Харчування: п’ятиразове.
Вартість путівки: 3200 грн.
У вартість путівки включені:
 Проживання
 Харчування
 Страхування
 Користування басейном та спортзалом
 Унікальна авторська програма розвитку дитини
 Проектна робота з англійської мови
 Анімаційні програми
 Медичне обслуговування
 Фото сесія
 Трансфер (Київ ст. М «Академмістечко» - Пуща-Водиця - ст. М «Академмістечко»)


Звертатися до директора табору Олексія Олександровича ЗАБОЛОТНОГО, кім. С-214

And all that is true. What is not said is that there are going to be 3 separate age groups; no Foxhunt or boat trips (sorry, wrong season!); but the rest of traditional activities will happen. It does not say about two other 'vessels' proudly flying the ARGO flag: the ARGO-Dynamic and the ARGO-Creative (Looks like we've got grown into a flotilla!) More information about them you can get by clicking HERE .

Hope you'll join me in the Wizards' Forest!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Favorite Teacher

Our 3rd Course September Project, 2010

I used to hate World Literature... But when I came to the World Literature classroom and met my new teacher I had changed my attitude to this subject!!! Svetlana Anatolievna took me into the beautiful, new world; not known to me before.
Her lessons are always interesting and humorous. Svetlana Anatolievna knows a lot of true-life stories and always shares them with us. She is tireless, simple, and always smiling. I can’t say she is very strict, because she has а"creative mind" and is humane to her pupils. Beyond all doubts, she teaches us not only literary theory, but develops our inner worlds. It`s evident that Svetlana Anatolievna loves her job which engulfs her completely!!!
I do revere Svetlana Anatolievna and always visit her lessons with keen pleasure!
Group 34-H

My favorite teacher is Svetlana Anatolievna. She is a teacher of the World Literature. I didn`t use to like the world literature before I entered the Lycee. But when Svetlana Anatolievna started teaching me I began to love it. She is a very friendly and interesting person. She is full of enthusiasm and she gets everybody interested in the subject. And of course, she always helps when we can`t understand something. This year I`m writing MANs with Svetlana Anatolievna, because I am interested in it. I think as a teacher she is very good at teaching. I`m very glad that Svetlana Anatolievna is my teacher
Group 34-H

My favorite teacher is Natalia Shipko, my Geography teacher. She is one of those teachers, who are strict, but really impartial. After Natalia Vasilivna became my teacher – Geography has become my favorite subject. Now I am really interested in it.
Also, Natalia Vasilivna always organizes different journeys, school trips and excursions. I have already been to Bulgaria and the Carpathian Mountains with Natalia Vasylivna – it was really great!
As for me, every Geography lesson taught by Natalia Vasylivna is really special.
By Tetyana PAKHOLOK,
Group 34-H

Well, my first impression about my favorite teacher was very funny. I came into the Geography class and saw a strict and demanding teacher. She was sitting at the table and writing something in the class journal. She looked at me and continued working. For the whole previous year I had been lazy not making an effort. At the last lessons of the year I started to work but it was too late! The exams were approaching, and the academic year was over. But I decided to pass the Geography exam well. I had been preparing to Geography exam all the time. I did it! It was great when I got a high mark! Since then I have loved Geography! My teacher helped me to understand that if I want to learn something, I will learn it.
Group 34-H

I’d like to tell you about my favorite teacher. Her name is Oksana Mykhailivna, and she teaches Physics.
She is a very kind person. She always helps us with difficult tasks. She is sympathetic and patient.
Also Oksana Mykhailivna is a very beautiful woman. She has got big green eyes and dark hair. She likes all pupils and we like her too.
She is sociable and dynamic, and she likes to speak with students about different things!
Jeanna DOVBYK,
Group 34-H

My favorite teacher is Mykhailova Natalya Viktorivna. When I first came to the Lycee in the seventh grade, she was appointed my form-master. She is very supportive and our entire group immediately liked her. However, after the seventh grade, I joined another group, the humanitarian one. Since then, Ukrainian literature has been my favorite subject.
When she talks with us about the subject, it seems like she goes through the characters of those works that we read. And the biographies of all the authors become quite impressive, because she tells about them as if she knew all of them personally.
Last year I started writing a scientific work on Ukrainian literature. Natalya Viktorivna helped me with that very much. That experience inspired me to write my MAN-paper this year, because it is enjoyable to work with a teacher who supports you.
By the way, thanks to her I'm studying in the Lycee now. When I applied for entering it, the question arose whether to enroll me or not. So the director of the Lycee gave her the right to choose as she could be my future form-master.
After asking me a few questions, Natalya Viktorivna said, that she wants me to study in her group. So they admitted me!
Group 34-H

I have known my favorite teacher for two years. When I came to the Lyceum I wasn`t very good at some subjects but I was quite good at German, English and Ukrainian literature. I loved these subjects because of the teachers who taught me.
I remember the first time I came into the English classroom. It was full of posters, little flags, maps, photos and books. There was a huge bookcase too. So, in general, the class was full of interesting things. From the first lesson Oleksiy Oleksandrovych seemed to be a very interesting person. And I was not mistaken. He got everybody interested in the subject. I`m still impressed by his knowledge.
So it is just the teacher who makes me interested in learning the language.
Group 34-H

I have several teachers who I like best in the Lycee. They are Oksana Volodymirivna – the teacher of Math, Iryna Yurivna – the teacher of Biology, the teacher of History - Lidia Oleksiivna,the teacher of Geography – Natalia Vasylivna, the teacher of Physics -Oksana Mykhaliivna.
I used to hate some subjects in my previous school. I hated Math, I had troubles with Geography, Biology and Physics, but the most difficult subject for me was History. Then I entered the Lycee... When I first came to the History lesson and saw the teacher I thought that she was extremely strict. But I was mistaken. She is a very kind and simple person. At the same time, Lidia Oleksiivna is a very strong personality, who can make you interested in her lessons. I had never heard her raising her voice to explain something. She always does it in an interesting way. She is an ultimate authority in class, because she`s a loyal and clever teacher. She gives every impression of a wise person. Sometimes when she sits at her teacher`s desk and looks through her glasses at me, it seems that somehow she knows what I am thinking about at the moment. She is dedicated to her job and works hard. And she always keeps composure! She knows her subject perfectly well and loves children very much! I begin to love history after I met Lidia Oleksiivna! I`m glad to have a chance to communicate with her!
Group 34-H

Sunday, September 19, 2010


September 16 – 17, 2010

More students are ready to share their views on our European roots, identities, ties and other international issues.

ALEX MELNYCHENKO: “As for me Europe differs from the rest of the world. European people are more polite and intelligent. Europeans are wealthier, and a lot of people immigrate there looking for better lives. Europe offers a lot of interesting opportunities.”

ANN ATAMAS: “In my opinion Europe means modern life, modern technologies and highly developed industries. There you can see splendid landscapes, and gigantic air-polluting traffic jams on the perfect roads. Ukraine as an EU member? I don’t know. On the one hand it’s nice to belong to Europe, but I am afraid of our country losing its uniqueness.”

YURI ISCHENKO: “For me Europe is a great world. It’s like a fairy land where people are more polite and have better manners than our folks here. You can’t see a European littering in the street. Also Europe, I mean Western Europe first of all, consists of developed countries that provide jobs for many East European guys, which is quite important. Ukraine should join the EU immediately!”

ANNA CHYKYRYNDA: “Europe is a good example for Ukraine! I’d like to live in one of the European counties because they are better developed than ours. I’d like to visit France, Italy, Great Britain and Greece. I also would like to study in a European university.”

VLAD SMIRINSKY: “For me Europe is the cultural center of the world. All countries in Europe have been developing their culture for hundreds of years, which can be seen when admiring architecture of their cities… I hope Ukraine will join Europe one day.”

VLAD GARANKO: “I see Europe just as a group of highly developed countries. I don’t think people there are friendlier or more intelligent than we are. We are Europeans after all although we speak different languages and go to different churches. I don’t think we should ask Europe for help. We can solve our problems ourselves.”

ANNA DATSYUK: “Europe sets a good example for Ukraine, because the standards of living there are higher than in our country. I would like to visit England, Italy and France. If we want to look like them we have to improve our infrastructure with the help of our neighbours.”

KATERYNA BOIKO: “I don’t know what to say about Europe. There are just some nice places which I’d like to visit: the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Big Ben in London and some other. Nothing else.”

KYRYLO PODKOVYROV: “Europe for me is a gold standard of a place to live. European countries have less political problems. It’s better to work there than in Ukraine. European education is better. I want to leave Ukraine and go to Europe to live there. Ukraine has to learn something from Europe.”

SASHA TRETEVYCH: “For me Europe is a union of developed countries such as Germany, France and Great Britain. The Europeans live among beautiful churches and palaces. For me the cultural center of our civilization is located there.”

ANDREW CHUBKO: “Europe has higher level of development in all areas of economics; higher standards of living. Most people in Europe are happier then people in our country. But it means nothing for me. I am happy that I was born in Ukraine and I don’t think my life would be better if I were born in a European country. I’d like to travel around Europe to get some new experience but the word EUROPE does not evoke any special thoughts in my head.”

Do you remember this Greek myth?

SVETLANA NENYUK: “I like all the European countries. My favourite ones are: France, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Estonia, Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden. I’d like to visit them because they are more developed and beautiful.”

PAVLO TROYANOV: “For me Europe is something new because I have never been there. So, I would like to visit it, Rome first of all since it is a cultural centre. I think we have to learn something from Europe.”

SVITLANA BILOKRYNYTSKA: “European countries have higher level of development than Ukraine. I would like to visit Greece, Italy, Montenegro and Lithuania. I’d like to study in Great Britain to improve my English. It’s a wonderful country with interesting customs, traditions and holidays.”

ALEX NABOKOV: “Europe includes a lot of countries and many of them belong to the European Union – a powerful organization of nations with interesting culture, loads of historic places etc. I see Europe just like that: historical sights, beautiful places, quality resorts, excellent education and high social standards.”

KATERYNA RODYNENKO: “Europe is an example for us, Ukrainians, and for our country. There are a lot of well-developed countries in Europe that I would like to visit especially England, Germany, Italy and France. I think we have to borrow something from their cultures. I’d like to study in a European university, in England or Germany. By the way, situation in Ukraine may be improved with some European assistance.”

N.B. Analyzing this mini-poll results one can see that Europe is seen by our students mostly as
a. a holiday destination
b. a cultural resource
c. an example to follow
d. a possible place to receive further education and/or job.
Notably only ONE respondent (5%!) sees himself as a European, and Ukraine as a part of Europe.

Now, enjoy some humour. What does it take to be a perfect European?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome back to school!

Congratulations! The summer is over and we are back at the beginning of another nine-month academic race. I am happy to have the same students this academic year. I hope we'll manage to avoid flu quarantines this time, which might enable us to achieve better results... unless they don't cheat, miss classes, ignore recommendations etc.

Aristotle said: "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."

B.B.King added a couple of milleniums later: "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you."

I can't but agree with both of them. May this year strengthen the foundations of the castles of your unique personalities!

Exciting Summer

‘How did you spend your summer holidays?’ is a traditional question for the first class of every next academic year or a topic for the first essay written by ESL students. I spent my summer in the most exciting way, in the forest, running ARGO Camp Program as its Chief Supervisor (director), drawing What’s on? bulletins, painting posters, hiding in the bushes (see below), diving in the swimming pool, rowing boats and teaching some English.

This time I got employed by Impuls-Plus Tour Operator who has introduced the program to the holiday market.

The ancient ARGO crew members were not just average sailors: each of them was famous for some unique gifts, talents, abilities or a social position. Just to mention the most prominent of them: Argus (the shipbuilder), Asclepius (the doctor), Heracles (the strongman), Orpheus (the singer and musician)… The name ARGO suggests that every participant is seen as a unique personality whose abilities are appreciated and developed.

We obviously did our best to implement this noble idea and make it work. For this purpose we created numerous situations that demanded various skills: intellectual, physical, artistic, hunting, managerial, surviving, performing, and what not…

In these photos you can see Naukova Zmina students at different ARGO events. Do you recognize Vlad Garanko, Yuri Ischenko, Andriy Komyshev, Kate Bondarenko, Myroslava Ostapenko, Serhiy Kazaryan, Ivan Kovtun, Andriy Rustamov and Alisa Kuznetsova?
I have to admit that participation of Naukova Zmina students in the program made me proud of the educational establishment I have a privilege to work at. Our students are bright, definitely not average, and their presence cannot remain unnoticed.I hope to see even more of our NZ guys participating in the next ARGO Camp Programs!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Get acquainted with "Argo" Camp Program, its activities, its surroundings, its facilities and some faces.

Sometimes Chief Supervisor has all our attention. Especially when he is a DJ.

Sometimes Chief Supervisor is hard to be detected. Especially when he plays Foxhunt.

We prefer practical training with REAL things.

The program starts and finishes with a campfire.

Campfires are always popular.

Nature is really fantastic out there.

There is a nice lake.

If the weather isn't warm enough, there is a fine swimming pool.

Campers enjoy playing waterball there. But you ought to wear a rubber cap.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER! "ARGO" Camp Programme is back!

I have a rare priviledge to invite my students to my holiday camp. English camp programs has been my job since 1998. My last full-scale "Argo" Camp Program was held in 2005. After a 5-year break it is back and shining, bigger than ever. Together with IMPULS-PLUS travel agency we plan to have 6 programs this summer. The dates are:
June 7 - June 18; June 20 - July 1; July 3 - July 14; July 16 - July 27; July 29 - August 9; August 11 - August 22. During these programs some of the finest Kyiv teachers will help you to do projects on PIRATES (!), NATIVE AMERICANS (!) and DINOSAURS (!!). Plenty of video is guaranteed. Swimming pool and/or lake - every day. Discos are inevitable. Comfortable accomodation in rooms for 2 or 3 (take a friend with you!). Place: Puscha-Vodytsya, MoD Sanatorium. Price: UAH 3 200 (quite competitive, isn't it?). Contact me personally, you-know-where.

WARNING: Campers tend to get addicted to the program. They would just keep coming.

International Express-2010

On April 16, 2010, the lycee witnessed an impressive turmoil. 12 teams competed at 7 stations of the INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS. As the initiator of the game I was quite proud with its becoming a tradition, and happy that it still brings some excitement. The results were the following:
1st Place: Class 7-B, Groups 15-H & 22-E
2nd Place: Class 7-A, Groups 11-M, 24-H & 21-M
3rd Place: Class 7-C, Groups 12-E, 13-E, 14-E & 23-E.
Special thanks to the individual members of the teams, who were the most active when competing at the International Express-2010 Linguistic Contest and contributed significantly to their teams’ scores:
Olga Melnikova (7-A)
Danylo Novikov (7-B)
Tetyana Shmanai (7-B)
Violetta Grygoryan (7-B)
Tetyana Ponomarenko (7-B)
Daria Kozubska (7-C)
Andriy Ivanyuk (7-C)
Anastasia Chigareva (11-M)
Artem Ogarkov (11-M)
Tetyana Grygoryeva (12-E)
Oleg Kosyak (13-E)
Mykyta Salikhov (14-E)
Yuri Tolochko (21-M)
Viktoria Balioz (22-E)
Olena Kachurina (23-E)
Dmytro Stadnyk (23-E)
Yelizabeta Koval (24-H)
Vadym Gromadskyi (24-H)
Good job,ladies and gentlemen! Well done!