As the Soviet Union dissolved in 1990 and 1991, 780,000 Soviet military personnel remained located in Ukraine’s three military districts. This mass was not an army but a force grouping, without a national Ministry of Defense, a General Staff or central organs of command and control. 'This grouping, its inventory of equipment and its officer corps were designed for one purpose: to wage combined arms, coalition, offensive warfare (also nuclear) against NATO on an external front.
On August 24, 1991, the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, enacted a resolution to take jurisdiction over all formations of the armed forces of the former Soviet Union stationed on Ukrainian soil, and to establish one of the key agencies, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.
On December 6, 1991 the Parliament adopted laws
On Defense of Ukraine and
On the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The military of the former Soviet units voluntarily began to pledge allegiance to the newly born state of Ukraine. That is why this date is marked as a birthday of the modern Ukrainian military.

This is the OPLOT quite modern Ukrainian MBT on the left. However, Ukraine has it just as a prototype.
And here are some pieces of military humor for you to enjoy.