Monday, March 31, 2008

Ukraine - NATO

Debates about Ukraine's potential joining the North Atlantic Treaty organization seem to cause discord among politicians. In a democratic society they are supposed to depend upon the citizens' opinion expressed through voting at free elections. by the time our country faces the alternative of joining NATO or not, our graduates will enjoy the rights of eligible voters. That is why THE HYDE PARK decided to study their attitude towards the NATO issue. The survey was conducted in March. You can see its results HERE . Three teachers were interviewed by the students. And you can read their interviews by clicking here: INTERVIEWS .

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Attention 1st course students! here you can find information about England as the largest part of the United Kingdom. To reach the document please click HERE .

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Humanitarian Aid Project

At last I manage to publish the results of the project, main part of which (discussion) took place in January. Group 44-H was working on planning some humanitarian aid for an imaginary country devastated by every possible natural disaster. For the task itself refer to "Opportunities" Upper Intermediate coursebook, Module 8 "Global Issues", Communication Workshop. The initial discussion and the open democratic vote that followed gave this fictional territory the name: CHUKREN. In an hour three working groups presented their plans. Later, Dmytro Roy was given the working groups papers for further processing. He summarized their suggestions, and produced the paper, which can be seen by clicking HERE .