Wild, very wild West. Frontier. Afternoon. Siesta. A bored trigger-happy cowboy gunman is walking along Main Street, Dodge City (Nevada? Arizona? New Mexico? Whatever.)Dust is coming from under his high heels. His spurs clink-clank. A small boy is sitting on a sidewalk, playing in the dust. The cowboy stops, produces a lolly-pop out of the pocket and says: "Hey, orphan, wanna candy?"
"I'm not an orphan," replies the kid.
"Why?" the cowboy seems slightly puzzled.
"There my mom and dad're comin'" shows the boy.
The Main Street buildings' walls throb with the double thunder of the cowboy's 0.45 Peacemakers. The gunman holsters his weapons and produces the lolly-pop once again. "Hey, orphan, have a candy."
Frontier. Afternoon. Siesta. Dust.