Saturday, September 30, 2017



My favorite teacher is YAN BOHDANOVYCH. He is our PE teacher. I like PE because it lets your brain rest after working hard. In spring and autumn, when the weather is warm we often go outside to have a lesson on the sports ground. Yan Bohdanovych allows us to play any games we want. If the opposing team is weaker, he joins it himself for a fair play. It’s really hard to play basketball against him. He is the kindest PE teacher I have ever seen. Sometimes he shouts at us to keep discipline but he never shouts at me. And he tells a lot of jokes.
 By Ivan MAZUR (7-D Form)

The teacher’s profession is one of the most important ones on Earth. My favorite teacher is JULIA
PAVLIVNA. She is the teacher of German. She teaches us in an interesting way. We may play games and at the same time learn the language. Sometimes we tell jokes and then she laughs with us. But when we need it she can be strict. Julia Pavlivna often asks us to write and tell stories. We don’t like it very much, but it is a very good experience. She is a very kind, nice and professional teacher.
   By Anastasia SOTNYK (7-D Form)

There are a lot of great teachers in Naukova Zmina. However, our favorite is Alla Volodymyrivna, the teacher of Geography. She is very kind, smart and understanding. Her lessons are always quite cognitive and interesting to listen to. She always helps us out of any trouble. She is one of the few teachers who do not try to tell us that her subject is the most important one. She does not present the information as a huge paragraph from the book but explains everything through examples. It makes her very interesting to listen to. It also makes us understand and remember the material better. In the end of a unit we often play games and write fascinating checkups. We have only one period of Geography a week and we look forward to each of it. I believe that the true task of teachers is to inspire their students to study. That is exactly what Alla   Volodymyrivna does.
  By Sofia KOVALYUK & Kateryna YOSIPENKO (Group 24-Ph)

Teachers play a great role in our lives. My favorite teacher is Alla Volodymyrivna, our teacher of Geography. She is very polite and kind. She always smiles when she enters her classroom. I like her very much as she uses some easy ways to teach us good things. We often discuss different matters with her,  which is really exciting. She motivates us to take to follow the right paths in life even if we face difficult situations. At Alla Volodymyrivna’s lessons we take interesting and useful notes, which help us a lot. We do not need to study her subject at home again. Thanks to Alla Volodymyrivna I began to enjoy Geography!
                                                                                                                                          By Aleksia SVIRIDENKO (Group 24-Ph)

My favorite teacher is Alla Volodymyrivna who teaches us Geography. Generally, I don’t like this subject very much but with Alla Volodymyrivna it appears to be very interesting. We visit some Geographical game sites, our lessons are organized in the form of quests or intellectual games. Therefore, our learning has become easier. I started liking her techniques two years ago and I want all the subjects to be delivered this way.                                                                   
    By Violetta ZAKHARIYCHUK (Group 24-Ph)

By Nykyta BABAKOV (7-D Form)
My ideal teacher does not give me too much homework.
·         My ideal teacher is very interesting.
·         My ideal teacher does not give me too many control papers.
·         My ideal teacher is very clever.
·         My ideal teacher always helps me.
·         My ideal teacher’s lessons are fun.
·         My ideal teacher often gives me great marks.
·         My ideal teacher is very kind.
·         My ideal teacher wants to teach me.
My ideal teacher loves teaching.